Shin Kamen Rider (2023) is a movie that I recently watched on Prime. The storyline follows a motorcycle racer who is kidnapped by a man who wants to take over the world. The motorcycle racer escapes but not before getting infected and turned into a super hero mutant driver. With his new powers he will try to stop his kidnapper from taking over the world.
This movie is directed by Hideaki Anno (Shin Godzilla) and stars Sôsuke Ikematsu (The Last Samurai), Minami Hamabe (Let Me Eat Your Pancreas), Tasuku Emoto (And Your Bird Can Sing) and Shin'ya Tsukamoto (Tokyo Fist).
The characters and universe for this picture are perfectly set up. The action scenes initially are great with fantastic kill scenes, gore, flying body parts, everything you'd want from a Kamen Rider picture. The villain had potential too. Unfortunately the content gets a bit too over the top, a bit too over done, and ran out of gas for me. I did enjoy watching it unfold, but it didn't have the same magic as Shin Godzilla.
Overall, this movie had enough worthwhile elements to make it worth a watch but isn't as good as Shin Godzilla. I would score this a 6/10 and recommend watching it once.
This movie is directed by Hideaki Anno (Shin Godzilla) and stars Sôsuke Ikematsu (The Last Samurai), Minami Hamabe (Let Me Eat Your Pancreas), Tasuku Emoto (And Your Bird Can Sing) and Shin'ya Tsukamoto (Tokyo Fist).
The characters and universe for this picture are perfectly set up. The action scenes initially are great with fantastic kill scenes, gore, flying body parts, everything you'd want from a Kamen Rider picture. The villain had potential too. Unfortunately the content gets a bit too over the top, a bit too over done, and ran out of gas for me. I did enjoy watching it unfold, but it didn't have the same magic as Shin Godzilla.
Overall, this movie had enough worthwhile elements to make it worth a watch but isn't as good as Shin Godzilla. I would score this a 6/10 and recommend watching it once.