Lian Hua Lou is a new type of drama, combined with Martial arts and Mystery.
China had been famous for KONG FU. But, Chinese people prefer martial arts characters more. In the past the most famous martial arts novels were made by Hong Kong and Taiwan writers.
It is the first-time mainland had its' own great master Li Xiang Yi. It is a milestone. Should you want to Understand the core of Chinese culture please enjoy the drama.
Lian Hua Lou had 10 mysterious cases. If you like Detective Conan Lian Hua Lou would be your best choice.
Actors-Cheng Yi, Zeng Shun Xi , Xiao Shun Rao and characters are very appropriate. It is fun for 3 brothers's story. The highest number of viewers for one episode at the same time is more than 1 Million. It shows how popular Lian Hua Lou in China.
Recommend this Drama.
China had been famous for KONG FU. But, Chinese people prefer martial arts characters more. In the past the most famous martial arts novels were made by Hong Kong and Taiwan writers.
It is the first-time mainland had its' own great master Li Xiang Yi. It is a milestone. Should you want to Understand the core of Chinese culture please enjoy the drama.
Lian Hua Lou had 10 mysterious cases. If you like Detective Conan Lian Hua Lou would be your best choice.
Actors-Cheng Yi, Zeng Shun Xi , Xiao Shun Rao and characters are very appropriate. It is fun for 3 brothers's story. The highest number of viewers for one episode at the same time is more than 1 Million. It shows how popular Lian Hua Lou in China.
Recommend this Drama.