For fans of the characters, this is more of the same
25 July 2023
It all started with a nostalgic TV comedy series called The 80s, which recalled simpler times in Israel and was heavy on reminders of fads and items we'd almost forgotten from those days. But like other comedies the go on for season after season, the series eventually became a embarrassingly far-fetched. Then it was succeeded by The 90s, with the same characters, but the opportunity for evoking a different decade didn't return the series any closer to the underlying believability that had given it its heart to begin with. Now we have a movie, and aside from references to the First Gulf War, there's almost nothing to tie it to the decade it's set in. But most of the characters from the series take part, and audience who have come to enjoy them will see them doing their familiar schtick in another far-fetched plot. To the movie's credit, though, a couple of the most sketchy characters from the TV show are rounded out a little in the movie.
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