Raylan is as great as ever, everyone else... not so much
27 July 2023
Raylan is fantastic. His dry sense of humor has returned and he's still an absolute hoot to watch. Whenever he's on screen, it feels like the Justified I used to watch.

It's almost everyone else that's the problem. The bad guy ain't anywhere near as charismatic as the bad guys from the previous seasons. The daughter is annoying at worst and boring at best. He doesn't have any fun, witty partners like Art Mullen or Tim Gutterson.

And none of this is even bothering to mention how outside of Raylan, the writing seems... off. Every two seconds someone has to say "white guy bad" or remind Raylan of his "privilege". Even his own white daughter does it, "He's not bad for a white guy".

It's embarrassing.

If this show didn't have Raylan in it, I wouldn't watch it. I'd rate it a 2/10. Not a 6.
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