Review of Accused

Accused (2023)
The Frightening Power of Social Media and Revenge
27 September 2023
This low budget movie is novel and entertaining. It shows the frightening power of social media, hate, prejudice and revenge.

In the wake of an all too familiar London terrorist attack occurs a terrifying case of mistaken identity. A young man simply going about his everyday business happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

A photo of the terror suspect is released. Despite the photo not clearly showing the man's face a storm is whipped up on social media and the young man is wrongly identified as the subject.

What makes this film entertaining is this scenario is all too possible. An innocent photo here or there can lead to severe consequences.

The ability to relate to this incident is what makes the film so entertaining. This is why my social media accounts are locked down so tightly. Especially Facebook! There are no pictures available to the public on my profile apart from my profile picture of me unidentifiable in sunglasses! No tagged pictures relating to my house, work, gym and certainly no public pictures.

After watching this film, if you haven't already, you'd be wise to follow suit! I recommend this film.
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