Not a Documentary
28 September 2023
This movie was not a documentary. Evangelicals used Johnny Cash spiritual journey as an opportunity for an alter call. Yes, Cash was a Christian but he was not a Franklin Graham or Greg Laurie Christian. He was as far from the current stream of neo-fundamentalist that are making faith based films today as one can get. I am surprised they did not interview Kirk Cameron for goodness sakes. Johnny Cash was a friend of sinners and addicts (that was the only thing they got right) and it was the way he lived his life that made him Christian not the things he said. They took what could have been a wonderful documentary about his spiritual journey and made it into a propaganda film in order to proselytize. There were some good parts that did show his human side, but then the makers made it out to look like he became holier than thou saint who never struggled again - which is a lie!
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