A remake / follow up of the original 2003 series I recently reviewed, again we follow Kino, a talking motorbike riding traveler heading from country to country exploring different cultures and civilizations in a vast world. I had actually accidentally started this series thinking it was the original, until realizing a few episodes in. Now going back to finish it after the original, this series has many of the flaws of modern anime remakes, in that they use a very generic styling that's quite muted compared to the original's flare, and awkward looking 3D CGI renders of many scenes. In this series 12 episodes 3 of them are near identical remakes, but the rest take us to new countries. I frankly found many of the twists a bit lame or eye rolling, and was not particularly fond of the finale, it was perhaps my least favourite episode. Again, the whole thing felt a bit monotone and emotionless, especially after having watched the original it was based on so recently, and finishing left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth. I would highly recommend the original, but I guess this is content if you must.