"Purple Don't Cry" is a remarkable cinematic journey that follows a young Muslim and his battles in this world, it acknowledges the very REAL experiences of Muslims living in the west and how hard it can be to not follow the wrong path. This film takes us on an unforgettable exploration of the muslims capacity to overcome adversity and emerge stronger. The storyline is a powerful reminder that even in our darkest moments and in the harshest circumstances, Iman, hope and determination can lead to incredible transformations. The exceptional performances by the cast, particularly the lead actors Boonna and Essam, bring authenticity and depth to their characters, making it easy to connect with their struggles and triumphs.
It is not often we see a movie for Muslims by Muslims and this one was exceptionally done. I wholeheartedly recommend this movie to anyone in need of inspiration and a powerful reminder of how short life can be.
It is not often we see a movie for Muslims by Muslims and this one was exceptionally done. I wholeheartedly recommend this movie to anyone in need of inspiration and a powerful reminder of how short life can be.