Secrets at the Museum (2023 TV Movie)
Such a bad and boring movie
16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I tried my very best to pay attention to this movie, but it really wasn't that interesting. About 30 minutes in I just tuned out and used the movie as background noise while I scrolled through my social media.

And the story wasn't strong enough to really grab my attention. Why even bother making forgery paintings for revenge? And why did Derrick even target Natalie, and her father? As if his dad's car accident was their fault somehow? Also we never found out the identity of the driver who accidentally ran Derrick's dad over.

The audience was led to believe that the forger was Alex, even though he had no real motive other than the fact that Natalie changed her last name to hide who she really was. Was he really that upset over that?

In actuality it was Derrick the whole time. But I suspected him from the very beginning especially since the 'Shocktober' promo literally highlighted his reveal (All the more reason why I believe that Lifetime doesn't respect their viewers anymore). Even without those small spoilers, I would've still known it was him. So tired of films like this where they try too hard to hide the bad guy's identity but it's so painfully obvious who it is.

And can we talk about the lead's acting for a moment? It was horrendous. She showed no emotion during her father's funeral. And her facial expression while she was watching the security footage of her dad literally DYING, was unbelievable, and laughable! It looked like she was half asleep.

After that she kept on screaming and yelling non stop until she knocked Derrick out with the baseball bat. It was so ridiculous! And I don't know where all these positive reviews came from. But they're obviously the cast and crew members and/or people related to the lead. Because they're really praising her acting skills. Either they were paid by the lead to write positive reviews for her movie, or they genuinely liked the movie and wouldn't know what actual great acting was if it hit them in the face. I'd say it's the former.

The only decent thing about the entire movie, was the brief appearance of Dominique Swain. Hopefully she'll be in another Lifetime film where she's playing a bigger role.

After watching this mess of a movie, I would definitely advise you to skip this. They are far better ways to waste your time. This movie could've gone in so many different directions that would have bettered the plot, but no. Yet another Lifetime film with an original idea wasted on a poor execution. Sigh*
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