who dunnit... nod to murder by death
19 October 2023
In the united states, its a deadly invitation. In mexico, it's invitación a un asesinato. Which is really invitation to an assassination! The family and friends of olivia are invited to a trip aboard a yacht off mexico. But it's not really a pleasure trip... it could be deadly, she tells them. And when someone is indeed knocked off, agatha (no coincidence) helps the cops try to solve the murder. Some similarities to murder by death.. where the participants are all connected to the host. And each other, in some way. Not a lot of information yet on imdb. Currently showing on netflix. Hopefully someone with a better command del español can fill in the many blanks and fix up the cast list! Directed by josé cravioto. Based on the book by carmen posadas. And throw in a dash of agatha christie. It's way over-simplified, but it's fun.
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