A twisty psychological thriller that sticks with you
5 September 2023
This beautifully directed psychological thriller does not fit neatly into predefined genre boxes - which may frustrate some reviewers - but that may be its greatest strength.

The intensely committed performances, writing, and direction grab and hold the viewer's attention throughout the film's taut 90 minute running time - and its unsettling themes and images linger long after the film has ended.

Two days after watching Mother, May I?, I'm still wondering if it's a tale of ghostly possession, the imaginative reflection of damaged psyches, or a disturbing portrait of a toxic codependent relationship. It very well may be all three.

It takes a great deal of courage on the part of the filmmakers to let those questions hover around the viewer - in an industry which demands that all characters be relatable and all questions be ultimately answered.
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