I'm laid up with a horrible cold so I binged watched them all in 1 morning.
Having visited Belfast a few times back in my youth, I like seeing places I've been to on the screen.
I'd seen the male lead from Emma, but the female lead is just so heartbreakingly real, & strong, & vulnerable, she won me over in the first 10 minutes. I actually cared about her and rooted for her right the way through.
I kind of thought I knew where it was going to go but, I didn't see it coming.
Janet & Seamus were believable and they had great on screen chemistry. He's more than a bit of a prat but I liked their journey.
Funny, sexy, make you laugh, make you cry telly. Well worth a watch.
Having visited Belfast a few times back in my youth, I like seeing places I've been to on the screen.
I'd seen the male lead from Emma, but the female lead is just so heartbreakingly real, & strong, & vulnerable, she won me over in the first 10 minutes. I actually cared about her and rooted for her right the way through.
I kind of thought I knew where it was going to go but, I didn't see it coming.
Janet & Seamus were believable and they had great on screen chemistry. He's more than a bit of a prat but I liked their journey.
Funny, sexy, make you laugh, make you cry telly. Well worth a watch.