Planet Earth III (2023–2024)
Talks too much about Climate Change
26 November 2023
Watch the series, its beautiful, but be warned it will cite Climate Change a lot more than you were expecting or wanting.

It hurts the truth to see so much focus on the natural changes of climate as if it were caused by men.

Most people don't know for example that every year large forests will expontaneously burn at the dry season, be it the Amazon Forest or the cold Siberian Forest.

So it's unfair to say the Cerrado burns because of people clearing land to grow crops. It burns because it's time to burn.

To conclude the example, there's also parts of the land that have been burnt every year for hundreds of years by the natives so they can plant.

The climate changes, it's natural, and men have little to do with it. And even if we did, nature simply takes other spaces like we also do.
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