Is half of the truth still the truth?
28 November 2023
"I've been watching this. There are many good things being brought to light, but like always, they are broad brushing way too much. The things that happened at Jon Jenkins' and Bruce Goddard's churches do not represent 1% of the Independent Baptists I have known and loved through the years. There must be a clear distinction made between the small minority of men who cover up for sexual predators, and the vast majority of good men who fear God and operate their ministry with integrity." - Spencer Smith

Like many exposure documentaries these days, this one is no different in its treatment of a group in question. Although there are many clearly factual accounts that happened, this documentary goes on to slander all "IFB" groups for the sins of a small minority.

The Hyles, Ruckman, and Andersonite sects of the IFB world do not necessarily represent the vast majority of honest people that claim this label. Often times the most vocal minorities give the appearance that all are the same way, which is not true at all.

Although this exposure needed to happen to clearly show the evils of a minority, it unfortunately unfairly broad-brushed tens of thousands of innocents within this movement, and for that this documentary only tells 'half-truths'.

Hopefully viewers will do research on Independent Baptists for themselves rather than accept the wild claims made to broad-brush the group as was done in this documentary.
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