Skin in the game
11 December 2023
It's just a touch - or rather the touch! But no pun intended and let's not get ahead of ourselves! The movie starts off quite interestingly - it may feel like an ending, but then again that also can be seen as a beginning. Especially because of what is uncovered - or rather dug up (who to be more accurate).

But all that means nothing to you, if you have not seen the movie and I am only talking about the first couple of minutes. And you can tell right from the beginning that the movie was well thought of and well made to (cinematography that is). The acting is great too and the make up works quite like a charme to say the least.

The idea is quite neat too - and sounds quite enticing, right? Who wouldn't want to be in our main characters shoes ... well at least superficially speaking right? If you like Science Fiction and do not mind a bit of violence and nudity on the side ... well this will float your boat for sure ... and there is a sequel too? Sign me on ... I'll be in touch!
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