A forgettable movie that is semi-entertaining in its core, but failing in its execution, not-credible characters (besides the daughter and to some extents the mum), cheesy, semi-cliched, done-a-hundred-times sub-plots, underused or useless supporting cast, a weak writing that makes the movie having 1h12min of runtime and if it meant to show a mother-daughter relationship, it could have as well been made as a humorous comedy and would have been a lot more successful.
- Screenplay/storyline/plots: 3.5
- Development: 6
- Realism: 5.5
- Entertainment: 4.5
- Acting: 5.5
- Filming/photography/cinematography: 6
- VFX: 6
- Music/score/sound: 5
- Depth: 5
- Logic: 4.5
- Flow: 4.5
- Crime/thriller: 4
- Ending: 4.