Cole Sear had a special gift, the ability to see dead people, his mother Lynn is worried beyond belief at the change in him, and Child Psychologist Malcolm Crowe is brought in to help him.
For my money, this is still the best film from M Night. Shyalaman, since this film some have been good, some of been woeful, this however has stood the test of time.
A real mind bender, this film is thought provoking, dramatic, unsettling at times, and on occasion a little moving.
Arguably one of the best films for Bruce Willis, he's tremendous here, as are Toni Collette and Haley Joel Osment.
I would never dream of giving a spoiler away, as some have done in their reviews, there's a big moment in this film, where everything falls into place, it's very skillfully done, and a real jaw dropping moment.
For my money, this is still the best film from M Night. Shyalaman, since this film some have been good, some of been woeful, this however has stood the test of time.
A real mind bender, this film is thought provoking, dramatic, unsettling at times, and on occasion a little moving.
Arguably one of the best films for Bruce Willis, he's tremendous here, as are Toni Collette and Haley Joel Osment.
I would never dream of giving a spoiler away, as some have done in their reviews, there's a big moment in this film, where everything falls into place, it's very skillfully done, and a real jaw dropping moment.