Dalziel and Pascoe (1996–2007)
An excellent detective show with one minor problem
14 November 2023
I won't leave you in suspense-- the problem, for me anyway, is Ellie, the girlfriend then wife of of Peter Pascoe. She is intrusive and unnecessary addition. Someone in the UK detective show business believes that women won't watch a great detective show unless there's a woman in it with woman issues, women friends, and refined, artistic womanly interests and pursuits --which sometimes take up a good portion of an episode. I'm not all the way through the series and I'm hoping for a break-up of this marriage before too much longer.

What I enjoy most about D & P is the language used by most of the characters, as if they all went to the same school and all read the same books. It's sometimes flowery and always at a high level of intelligence. The stories are good, if sometimes a bit difficult to follow. For me anyway. Many characters, lotsa names and plot points to remember, (plus the unwanted side-hustle of Ellie issues and Ellie's friends' issues) but a very enjoyable detective show in the great UK tradition, with great scenery as the detectives travel around, sometimes widely.
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