I'm BIG Sir David fan but @ 97 yrs old his voice now has permanent laryngitis, has lost its unique "wonder tone" & disserves his own 27 yr unmatched legacy by distracting from filmography. Script is very simple yet he truly struggles with delivery.
Series is short, not the best BBC but VIP to show the remaining areas we CAN preserve for OUR future- there is hope but action must be done now by everyone. HOW?? Eat 1 vegan no dairy cheese meal 1 time per week; change lightbulbs to LED bulbs; weather strip your home by DIY means or if remodeling, use double paned weather strip windows which are affordable; buy foods from repurposed land.
That's it - easy, & consumer power + saving one's $$ instead of paying high electricity bills, reducing globally CO2, toxic methane& preserving last few pockets of wilderness from burning.
Here, many brief shots are from previous NG or BBC nature films. Few glimpses of remaining TINY true Eden's left but also VIP, shown are these tiny Eden current & continuing peril, most destroyed via logging & burning them for farms instead of repurposing land to feed OUR insatiable global desire of crops & feeding domestic livestock.
Few new species, notably gorgeous "keynote species maned vegetarian Brazilian wolf", India's K9 "whistling doles;" leopard hunt leap clip copy incl sound effects from NG "Serengetti; Borneo mating hornbills nesting in forest tree; new 3 mountain lions NOT killed by Disney or from this film crew, all have unneeded score bc ppl machinery noises bombards entire planet 24/7.
If U've seen all best BBC planet earth, ocean & spy films, most narrated with Sir David's unique voice,& best NG films , you'll recognize many same shots shown at a different angle, enhanced to HD.
Here, viewers see how much we've allowed to vanish YET there's still WONDROUS areas that CAN BE PRESERVED BY CONSUMER's CHOICE & demand as I stated above. This series focuses on hope, not enough on HOW average person can make an impact as in "Racing Instinction", "Seaspiracy", or Sir D's "Yr Earth Changed."
Ppl do NOT want to blame themselves for apathy & ruining future- NOT emphasized enough. Shown are few moments of our intentional burning forests for crops; 1 modest fishing method = 1 medium size fishing boat with typical huge net & how it catches ENTIRE fish shoal= billions of fish & all marine life around it.. Clip FAILS to show the daily nonstop fleets of thousands of literal huge fishing factory cities that fish with giant multi hooks / fine nets, plundering in Sea of Cortez, South seas / South Pole- last areas of fish stocks plummeting fast. Instead of managing fish stocks, ppl INCREASE fishing; again NOT shown here.
VIP this film FAILS to show relationships of fish, healthy coral, kelp, mangroves that filter water & stop floods; river estuaries & ICE in both poles, ALL requisite for fish & their food to reproduce that benefits PPL. NO healthy ocean = 0 life on land. Period. Fact proved globally since 2005, Yet we choose to ignore.
Fact: 70% of ppl globally rely on sea for fish daily. Not in this film.
Only 1 ep focuses on 3 creatures that survive in INDIA's spreading cities. Missing from this series is VIP message PPL remain the SOLE dominant species & for short term greed, we still think the ocean is magically replenished after continuous generations of over fishing & pollution, that ancient forests & pristine ecosystems are somehow "regrown" by earth elves; & slaughtering whales, dolphins, seals & orcas will increase fish stocks when opposite been proven. Whales Create more fertile sea for herring fish & krill to repopulate. Top mammals are literally the gardeners and source for every healthy ecosystem.
ONLY ppl kill daily Millions of "by catch marine life from blue whales to krill" from unregulated fishing, false "no dolphin kill seal on tuna" global fishing industry buys (proof in Seaspiracy doc in Netflix filmed 2009) . Critically, this series fails to show 20 yr known fact abandoned floating fish nets equate to 45% of degrading plastic poisoning all seas, ppl, & all life. No one cleans up these lethal forever killing plastic nets, enacts laws or vitally enforces any laws re dumping nets in ocean. It's cheap globally to dump nets but cost is our survival. Again, NOT in this series.
YET, Nature CAN & DOES HEAL via regenerate but keynote species , Must be left alone & given DECADES OF TIME TO RESTORE mass devastation ppl do in minutes. This includes replanting native grasses & trees in millions of acres of abandoned farmland. Only few seconds of recovery is shown here in some episodes.
Fact: Sahara desert has TRIPLED in size moving SOUTH to densely human populated areas. Floods & violent weather occurs everywhere now regularly. Ppl have ruined 10K yrs of stable global climate that allowed HUMANS & nature to evolve into an Eden that ppl take for granted, & choose $$ over quality survival. No human can eat gold, stocks, diamonds, lithium, fossil fuels, any global currency.
FACT: Repurposing millions of acres of abandoned farmland is a very easy & economic method to STOP destruction of last pristine forests & large ranches with forest belt. CONSUMER power & demand IS THE method that'll STOP destruction. Demand it by buying products farmed on repurposed land; stop eating ALL sea life = packed with 10x more safe level of mercury, lead, plus every contagious contaminant since 1700s.
Eat omega greens, NOT fish that got 0 omegas , we squeeze out fish oil, yet omega came from fish eating omega greens. Only Consumer choice shall change global big corps / agribusiness to truly sustainable methods.
Sadly, this is not emphasized in this series, there's few moments in last "Human" ep showing experimental methods in few countries- not biggest ones like USA or China.
Message of ppl sharing/ caring for our only home is NOT STRESSED ENOUGH in this series. Our mono cropping mils of acres, loss of pollinators, clearing & burning few last gem habitats for cheap farms & new homes is NOT the answer. These last rare gems that sustain remaining hardiest keynote species & predators are OUR hope to repair our home & guarantee PPL future. Nature works FREE tirelessly IF ppl CHOOSE to allow it.
Note: Ppl seek nature for VIP events, honeymoon, dream vacations, celebrations, revitalization, spa treatments - ALL ADS show pics of pristine beaches & sand, forests, valleys, NOT pics of oil drilling platforms, crude oil spills in sand, factories spewing out C02, nor auto/ plane traffic & streets ; nor cruise ships packed with ppl. This is NOT in series but should be linked.
Reply to those who deny ppl are causing global warming, "blaming scientists" who do NOT have free platform. That's same logic as blaming victim for getting robbed/mugged- why were U there with any type of $$? U should Stay home & never venture outside - then it's unlikely to be a victim.
NOT IN THIS SERIES: After 27 yrs of spreading free global data Re HUMANS need thriving ecosystems to survive so we must change old ways, global response? Nothing. Esp from richest nations. Instead, we've Doubled our human population, intensified using fossil fuels, & big govts are fighting over sea drilling oil from ice free North Pole which will cause release billions of tons of encased methane. See Hulu "Racing Extinction" filmed 2009. USA is fighting with Russia & China for ownership re huge cargo shipping lanes in ice free Artic that causes massive disruption/ deaths of surviving wildlife, esp migrating whales. It's already occurring- but not shown in this series.
FYI:,Methane caused this planet's extinction of virtually ALL life, incl tiny microbes = foundation of all life in sea. It's not dinosaur / top predator extinction, it's ALL life we are dooming. Once ICE STORED methane is released incl methane stored in dwindling polar wildlife, there's going to be vast suffering of ppl every where. It's NOT going to be instant extinction like a nuclear bomb, but prolonged global one with billions ppl suffering, likely wars over remaining resources.
As in "Matrix" H. Weaving "Mr. Smith" told captured Morpheus "humans were classified as virus bc humans are only species that choose NOT to cohabitate with surrounding natural environment. Humans same as virus choose to destroy all resources, spread, repeat."
Waiting for "someone else" to save us is long over.
Due to poor minimal narrative by Sir D, it's heartbreaking for filmmakers who risk a lot to film natural behaviors of shyest, last few survivors barely existing in harshest environments, or new Vietnam cave.
Here, viewer gets tired fast of listening to Sir D's severe laryngitis narration, very basic child like script, despite some lovely visuals. Sir D needs to retire with superior legacy. Get Jeremy Irons (NG), Tom Hiddleston (Earth at Night) Charles Dance (SK), Nigel Lythgow (Meerkat Manor) , all Shakespearean actors & Brits who've proved they can perform outstanding Emmy award worthy nature narration /vocal acting & still retain their unique voice today.
Series is short, not the best BBC but VIP to show the remaining areas we CAN preserve for OUR future- there is hope but action must be done now by everyone. HOW?? Eat 1 vegan no dairy cheese meal 1 time per week; change lightbulbs to LED bulbs; weather strip your home by DIY means or if remodeling, use double paned weather strip windows which are affordable; buy foods from repurposed land.
That's it - easy, & consumer power + saving one's $$ instead of paying high electricity bills, reducing globally CO2, toxic methane& preserving last few pockets of wilderness from burning.
Here, many brief shots are from previous NG or BBC nature films. Few glimpses of remaining TINY true Eden's left but also VIP, shown are these tiny Eden current & continuing peril, most destroyed via logging & burning them for farms instead of repurposing land to feed OUR insatiable global desire of crops & feeding domestic livestock.
Few new species, notably gorgeous "keynote species maned vegetarian Brazilian wolf", India's K9 "whistling doles;" leopard hunt leap clip copy incl sound effects from NG "Serengetti; Borneo mating hornbills nesting in forest tree; new 3 mountain lions NOT killed by Disney or from this film crew, all have unneeded score bc ppl machinery noises bombards entire planet 24/7.
If U've seen all best BBC planet earth, ocean & spy films, most narrated with Sir David's unique voice,& best NG films , you'll recognize many same shots shown at a different angle, enhanced to HD.
Here, viewers see how much we've allowed to vanish YET there's still WONDROUS areas that CAN BE PRESERVED BY CONSUMER's CHOICE & demand as I stated above. This series focuses on hope, not enough on HOW average person can make an impact as in "Racing Instinction", "Seaspiracy", or Sir D's "Yr Earth Changed."
Ppl do NOT want to blame themselves for apathy & ruining future- NOT emphasized enough. Shown are few moments of our intentional burning forests for crops; 1 modest fishing method = 1 medium size fishing boat with typical huge net & how it catches ENTIRE fish shoal= billions of fish & all marine life around it.. Clip FAILS to show the daily nonstop fleets of thousands of literal huge fishing factory cities that fish with giant multi hooks / fine nets, plundering in Sea of Cortez, South seas / South Pole- last areas of fish stocks plummeting fast. Instead of managing fish stocks, ppl INCREASE fishing; again NOT shown here.
VIP this film FAILS to show relationships of fish, healthy coral, kelp, mangroves that filter water & stop floods; river estuaries & ICE in both poles, ALL requisite for fish & their food to reproduce that benefits PPL. NO healthy ocean = 0 life on land. Period. Fact proved globally since 2005, Yet we choose to ignore.
Fact: 70% of ppl globally rely on sea for fish daily. Not in this film.
Only 1 ep focuses on 3 creatures that survive in INDIA's spreading cities. Missing from this series is VIP message PPL remain the SOLE dominant species & for short term greed, we still think the ocean is magically replenished after continuous generations of over fishing & pollution, that ancient forests & pristine ecosystems are somehow "regrown" by earth elves; & slaughtering whales, dolphins, seals & orcas will increase fish stocks when opposite been proven. Whales Create more fertile sea for herring fish & krill to repopulate. Top mammals are literally the gardeners and source for every healthy ecosystem.
ONLY ppl kill daily Millions of "by catch marine life from blue whales to krill" from unregulated fishing, false "no dolphin kill seal on tuna" global fishing industry buys (proof in Seaspiracy doc in Netflix filmed 2009) . Critically, this series fails to show 20 yr known fact abandoned floating fish nets equate to 45% of degrading plastic poisoning all seas, ppl, & all life. No one cleans up these lethal forever killing plastic nets, enacts laws or vitally enforces any laws re dumping nets in ocean. It's cheap globally to dump nets but cost is our survival. Again, NOT in this series.
YET, Nature CAN & DOES HEAL via regenerate but keynote species , Must be left alone & given DECADES OF TIME TO RESTORE mass devastation ppl do in minutes. This includes replanting native grasses & trees in millions of acres of abandoned farmland. Only few seconds of recovery is shown here in some episodes.
Fact: Sahara desert has TRIPLED in size moving SOUTH to densely human populated areas. Floods & violent weather occurs everywhere now regularly. Ppl have ruined 10K yrs of stable global climate that allowed HUMANS & nature to evolve into an Eden that ppl take for granted, & choose $$ over quality survival. No human can eat gold, stocks, diamonds, lithium, fossil fuels, any global currency.
FACT: Repurposing millions of acres of abandoned farmland is a very easy & economic method to STOP destruction of last pristine forests & large ranches with forest belt. CONSUMER power & demand IS THE method that'll STOP destruction. Demand it by buying products farmed on repurposed land; stop eating ALL sea life = packed with 10x more safe level of mercury, lead, plus every contagious contaminant since 1700s.
Eat omega greens, NOT fish that got 0 omegas , we squeeze out fish oil, yet omega came from fish eating omega greens. Only Consumer choice shall change global big corps / agribusiness to truly sustainable methods.
Sadly, this is not emphasized in this series, there's few moments in last "Human" ep showing experimental methods in few countries- not biggest ones like USA or China.
Message of ppl sharing/ caring for our only home is NOT STRESSED ENOUGH in this series. Our mono cropping mils of acres, loss of pollinators, clearing & burning few last gem habitats for cheap farms & new homes is NOT the answer. These last rare gems that sustain remaining hardiest keynote species & predators are OUR hope to repair our home & guarantee PPL future. Nature works FREE tirelessly IF ppl CHOOSE to allow it.
Note: Ppl seek nature for VIP events, honeymoon, dream vacations, celebrations, revitalization, spa treatments - ALL ADS show pics of pristine beaches & sand, forests, valleys, NOT pics of oil drilling platforms, crude oil spills in sand, factories spewing out C02, nor auto/ plane traffic & streets ; nor cruise ships packed with ppl. This is NOT in series but should be linked.
Reply to those who deny ppl are causing global warming, "blaming scientists" who do NOT have free platform. That's same logic as blaming victim for getting robbed/mugged- why were U there with any type of $$? U should Stay home & never venture outside - then it's unlikely to be a victim.
NOT IN THIS SERIES: After 27 yrs of spreading free global data Re HUMANS need thriving ecosystems to survive so we must change old ways, global response? Nothing. Esp from richest nations. Instead, we've Doubled our human population, intensified using fossil fuels, & big govts are fighting over sea drilling oil from ice free North Pole which will cause release billions of tons of encased methane. See Hulu "Racing Extinction" filmed 2009. USA is fighting with Russia & China for ownership re huge cargo shipping lanes in ice free Artic that causes massive disruption/ deaths of surviving wildlife, esp migrating whales. It's already occurring- but not shown in this series.
FYI:,Methane caused this planet's extinction of virtually ALL life, incl tiny microbes = foundation of all life in sea. It's not dinosaur / top predator extinction, it's ALL life we are dooming. Once ICE STORED methane is released incl methane stored in dwindling polar wildlife, there's going to be vast suffering of ppl every where. It's NOT going to be instant extinction like a nuclear bomb, but prolonged global one with billions ppl suffering, likely wars over remaining resources.
As in "Matrix" H. Weaving "Mr. Smith" told captured Morpheus "humans were classified as virus bc humans are only species that choose NOT to cohabitate with surrounding natural environment. Humans same as virus choose to destroy all resources, spread, repeat."
Waiting for "someone else" to save us is long over.
Due to poor minimal narrative by Sir D, it's heartbreaking for filmmakers who risk a lot to film natural behaviors of shyest, last few survivors barely existing in harshest environments, or new Vietnam cave.
Here, viewer gets tired fast of listening to Sir D's severe laryngitis narration, very basic child like script, despite some lovely visuals. Sir D needs to retire with superior legacy. Get Jeremy Irons (NG), Tom Hiddleston (Earth at Night) Charles Dance (SK), Nigel Lythgow (Meerkat Manor) , all Shakespearean actors & Brits who've proved they can perform outstanding Emmy award worthy nature narration /vocal acting & still retain their unique voice today.