Review of Mayhem!

Mayhem! (2023)
Your Patience Is Partially Rewarded
7 January 2024
Mayhem!, efficiently directed by Xavier Gens is violent, melancholy and features two extendedly-bloody fight sequences. Unfortunately, Mayhem makes the cardinal sin of making you wait almost an hour for any of the fight choreography promised in the trailer to appear. The Mayhem part of the movie really only applies to the last 35 minutes. Thankfully, the fight choreography is punchy, bloody, violent, and framed in a way that will make anyone who's watched The Raid movies smile. The question is, does the roughly 45-50 minutes it takes to get to the goods worth it? Sort of. The story is simple, clichéd and has quite the melancholic ending. The fighting makes up about 20 or so minutes of the movie and for a 100 minute movie titled Mayhem, it's not enough.

HOWEVER, if you can relax and make it through you will enjoy what Gens and his stunt team put together. The final hallway fight into a gory melee in an elevator is stunning. It's the in your face brutality promised by the movies title and I had to watch it multiple times to revel in its glory. If only the pacing was tightened up Mayhem could have been up there with the greats. Until then, it's a fine Sunday afternoon watch if you don't have anything else to do.
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