It's a lovely comedy...provided you don't mind that it isn't funny.
8 January 2024
"A Nice Little Bank That Should Be Robbed" is supposed to be a comedy. However, it has two huge problems. First, and most importantly, it isn't funny. Second, you don't care about the characters nor their plight. I know these are minor quibbles...

Max and Gus (Tom Ewell and Mickey Rooney) are dumb losers who have dreams of owning their own race horse. But, in addition to being dumb losers, they have no money. So, they decide to rob a bank. The robbery goes surprisingly smoothly and they buy a horse. But again and again, they bet big money on the horse and lose. Now they are broke again and still have a horse. With their new partner, Rocky (Mickey Shaughnessy), they decide to commit one more robbery. What's next?

The movie wasn't written well. In order to work, it should have been MUCH funnier and also found a way for the viewer to like the characters...or at least care what happens to them. I didn't care and as the film progressed, I found myself caring less and less. It's a shame, as the actors seemed to try but they were given limp material with which to work.
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