12 January 2024
As a doctor, I can tell that Obstetrics is absolutely one of the most "challenging" specialities. This film proves it. It's hard to sit through, but once you do, it feels good idk. The story is well written and it has that sick atmosphere and disturbing throughout the entire runtime. The ending scene was so hard to watch that even my stomach started growling.

Synopsis: Meet Dr. Danko Babic. An up and coming gynecologist with a taste for the finer things in life. Though he is among the most respected in his field, he still keeps friends in low places. Babic likes blow, he likes women, and most of all he likes money. When a local mob boss who is a friend of a friend makes Babic an offer he can't refuse to "take care of" his strippers and hookers, suddenly the good doctor finds himself stumbling into a world from which there is no safe escape.
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