"Universal" had an Image of "The" Horror-Mystery-Suspense-Supernatural Studio...It's Legacy to This Day.
The Result of Studio-Head Carl Laemmle and a Conscious, Hard-Working and Dedication to the Genre with an Emphasis on Production-Values, a High-Class Style while Dealing and Delivering His "Product", He would Label it "Art", with "Touchy", Sensitive, and Controversial, Edgy (some would say "Low-Brow") Material.
It Became Even More So as"The Movies" Gained an Influence as a Popular, Meaningful Media in America that Could Shape Consciousness, Life-Styles and Thought as, it No Longer could be Doubted, it would be Confirmed, both Commercially and Creatively as the"Art" of the Century".
But Conservatives "Cried & Whined", Protested the "Free Expressionism in Films" and Demanded , then Formed..."The Code"...The Historical Over-Reach and Abuse of Their Power, Now that "They" as Opposed to the "Creators" of the Art-Form Now had that Power to..."Control Men's Minds".
Universal Studios Legacy Established...It's Now 1946 and America has Entered an "Atomic-Age" and the "Old Dark House" seems a Template from Another-Age.
The Iconic "Famous Monsters" and Other Related Iconography that Universal Invented and then Employed in a Series of Movies for a "Never-Ending" Star-Creatures...Dracula, The Frankenstein, The Mummy...The Invisible Man, and The Wolf Man, at this Point in Time are a Legacy of the "Past" and would Finally "Die" and be Buried After "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein" (1949).
This "Black Cat" Icon with "The Old Dark House" was so Old it had Grown Whiskers.
"Earl C. Kenton", would be Most-Noted for Directing an Undisputed Bona-Fide Masterpiece of Movie-Horror..."The Island of Lost Souls" (1932)...He also Directed for Universal, as Part of that Aforementioned Legacy,,,"The Ghost of Frankenstein" (1942),,,"House of Frankenstein" (1944)...and "House of Dracula" (1945).
He was Assigned to Direct "The Cat Creeps" and it was so Undistinguished, Lame, and way Past its Expiration-Date, and it Sent Earl C. Packing for Television.
This is All-Padding to Safely Say that "The Cat Creeps" is Mostly Forgotten , for Good Reasons...Worth a Watch...But Barely.
The Result of Studio-Head Carl Laemmle and a Conscious, Hard-Working and Dedication to the Genre with an Emphasis on Production-Values, a High-Class Style while Dealing and Delivering His "Product", He would Label it "Art", with "Touchy", Sensitive, and Controversial, Edgy (some would say "Low-Brow") Material.
It Became Even More So as"The Movies" Gained an Influence as a Popular, Meaningful Media in America that Could Shape Consciousness, Life-Styles and Thought as, it No Longer could be Doubted, it would be Confirmed, both Commercially and Creatively as the"Art" of the Century".
But Conservatives "Cried & Whined", Protested the "Free Expressionism in Films" and Demanded , then Formed..."The Code"...The Historical Over-Reach and Abuse of Their Power, Now that "They" as Opposed to the "Creators" of the Art-Form Now had that Power to..."Control Men's Minds".
Universal Studios Legacy Established...It's Now 1946 and America has Entered an "Atomic-Age" and the "Old Dark House" seems a Template from Another-Age.
The Iconic "Famous Monsters" and Other Related Iconography that Universal Invented and then Employed in a Series of Movies for a "Never-Ending" Star-Creatures...Dracula, The Frankenstein, The Mummy...The Invisible Man, and The Wolf Man, at this Point in Time are a Legacy of the "Past" and would Finally "Die" and be Buried After "Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein" (1949).
This "Black Cat" Icon with "The Old Dark House" was so Old it had Grown Whiskers.
"Earl C. Kenton", would be Most-Noted for Directing an Undisputed Bona-Fide Masterpiece of Movie-Horror..."The Island of Lost Souls" (1932)...He also Directed for Universal, as Part of that Aforementioned Legacy,,,"The Ghost of Frankenstein" (1942),,,"House of Frankenstein" (1944)...and "House of Dracula" (1945).
He was Assigned to Direct "The Cat Creeps" and it was so Undistinguished, Lame, and way Past its Expiration-Date, and it Sent Earl C. Packing for Television.
This is All-Padding to Safely Say that "The Cat Creeps" is Mostly Forgotten , for Good Reasons...Worth a Watch...But Barely.