I recently watched Midnight (1988) on Tubi. The storyline revolves around a late-night horror movie host facing the threat of losing her show's rights and timeslot. To reclaim control, she takes matters into her own hands, enlisting a new lover and old friends to confront the investor.
Directed by Norman Thaddeus Vane (Club Life) and featuring Lynn Redgrave (Gods and Monsters), Tony Curtis (Some Like it Hot), Steve Parrish (Scanners III), and Karen Lorre (Mortuary Academy), the film is an apparent Elvira knockoff without much effort to disguise it.
The plot is predictable and lacks imagination. Norman Thaddeus Vane's presentation, direction, attire, and makeup were awful. Despite some enjoyable 80s nudity and Karen Lorre's attractiveness, the love story feels awkward, and the ending is cliché.
In conclusion, Midnight falls short as an Elvira parody, earning a 3/10 score. I recommend skipping it, as it's not be worth your time.
Directed by Norman Thaddeus Vane (Club Life) and featuring Lynn Redgrave (Gods and Monsters), Tony Curtis (Some Like it Hot), Steve Parrish (Scanners III), and Karen Lorre (Mortuary Academy), the film is an apparent Elvira knockoff without much effort to disguise it.
The plot is predictable and lacks imagination. Norman Thaddeus Vane's presentation, direction, attire, and makeup were awful. Despite some enjoyable 80s nudity and Karen Lorre's attractiveness, the love story feels awkward, and the ending is cliché.
In conclusion, Midnight falls short as an Elvira parody, earning a 3/10 score. I recommend skipping it, as it's not be worth your time.