Terrible, absolutely terrible. Passable Turkey Time movie. :)
27 January 2024
If you like turkey time movies then I'd say this one is a 6/10.

For example:

Scene: In a large telescope control room the lead character is told an asteroid clump is heading directly for earth. The techie tells him that "the density is 2 objects per meter". Of course that's using the well-known objects per meter density scale, eh! Lol

If you can see the comedy in that then this is worth a laugh or 3.

I can't say this for a fact but it looks like the casting call was for celebrity look-alikes. None of them are playing the celebrity they look like - they are simply acting - however almost everyone in the caste looks like a bit like a star with the minor exception of an actual semi-star Sean Murray, who played Timothy McGee on NCIS.
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