An unfairly underestimated thriller , with a an ongoing suspense , and five efficient actors (Headley ,Moore,Willis ,Neal ,and particularly Keitel as the stubborn cop who feels that there's something which does not quite fit)
There are similarities with the French classic ,"les diaboliques "(Henri-Georges Clouzot ,1954) remade several times in the US : two women ,a hateful husband who humiliates his wife before her clientele in her hairdressing salon (like the headmaster did in front of the students) , and a van which plays a prominent part in both movies.
There the comparison ends ; the unexpected final twist is pretty smart ,after long questionings in the police station ; this excellent psychological thriller deserved better than this poor rating.
There the comparison ends ; the unexpected final twist is pretty smart ,after long questionings in the police station ; this excellent psychological thriller deserved better than this poor rating.