Two for the Win (2021 TV Movie)
A Very Pleasant Outdoor Love Story
12 March 2024
Yet again we are subjected to reviews by people who claim to be experts in various vocations or avocations shown in a movie, then go on and on telling us how badly the movie failed when it comes to realism and accuracy based on their personal experience. In other words, completely irrelevant information for a movie review. Once again, these reviewers forget entirely that this is a romance movie and that precise accuracy of the film based on the reviewer's vocation or avocation is of minor importance overall. The ROMANCE is, ultimately, the reason we watch these sorts of movies.

That said, when we park our disbelief at the door and simply enjoy the movie for what it is, we will find that the actors here did a fairly good job. Trevor Donovan has over the years improved as an actor, and Charlotte Sullivan, whom I've now seen in two VERY different types of romance films, was truly excellent, especially given that she seemed to have a somewhat limited number of lines for a leading lady. Nonetheless, I found her very worth watching, and I completely bought into her emotions.

While you'll find the story was not especially unique, it was handled somewhat differently than similar type stories have been handled. Some role reversal, etc. And this story was set at a ski resort, so the scenery made this film a bit different from the usual "home town" story. All in all I did enjoy this film, and if you enjoy romance movies, and don't watch them just to pick them apart, I suspect you may enjoy it as well.
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