Review of Aattam

Aattam (2023)
Best movie in recent times
14 March 2024
This movie should get 11/10 for its dialogues. It is sheer perfection. The movie stands out as one of the best Indian movie of last 5 years. It's a breath of fresh air to the actual cinema lovers when there is someone out there respecting the art of filmmaking. The movie has shown ways in which a movie can be made without getting bored for even a second.

You all don't waste time reading my review, just go and watch it already. Pure cinema.

Don't mind the next few words. This is just to fill up the space.

After a theater group's party, their sole actress is subjected to a crime from one of the men. Stories unravel, suspicions surface and clamor ensues as a meeting is called to reach a consensus.
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