I thought of Thomas Lilti's MEDECIN DE CAMPAGNE, when I watched this sort French series of the early eighties, which I don't remind at all. It also made me think of JACQUOU LE CROQUANT, another French series from 1969, and also taking place in deep French countryside during the nineteenth century: Perigord. This one: ENNEMI DE LA MORT is gloomy, bleak, dark, showing how people in those remote places are mean, vicious, greedy, It is a story of intrigue, cheatery, romance, a disgusting but terrific series, depiction of rural life in those times. A doctor - Donnadieu - is torn between two loves and in the same time has to fight against cruelty of local folks because he asks them to get rid of their lakes, because of the diseases that those lakes presence bring to people living in the vicinity. A true gem.