Ms. Marvel (2022)
Thoroughly enjoyed something new!
11 February 2024
I actually watched this series after seeing The Marvels. I decided to binge all the Avengers series in order because I keep reading all sorts of negativity about how Disney wants to insert DEI into movies going forward and the online boy nerds on YouTube freaking out about "gasp!" females and people of colour being promoted. Personally I think Disney CEO is heavy handed and grooming which will lose what little audiences left. It's called entertainment, Bob!

That being said I really enjoyed this series! The cast did a great job! Lots of talent there! I find that the way life flows with its highs and lows very realistic and it makes you want to root for the characters and keep watching. Family home life interaction was good. The depiction of a vibrant religious Muslim life was a pleasant change from the negativity portrayed (I'm Christian myself) and loved the wedding! The depiction of Partition - a terrible mistake with tragic results - was powerfully portrayed! The graphics and colours was wonderful particularly the moving graffiti. A nice touch!

I'm really glad to have watched this series. When I watched the movie Ms Marvel first I told someone that it felt like a bunch of tv episodes stitched together and now I see why. The movie felt like something was being forced to be female entertainment written by males. That planet of singing, dancing aliens was uncomfortable to watch where the wedding in the series was more lively and fun and realistic!

I recommend you watch the series for some fun, some education, and some eye candy! It's well done and you will find yourself caring about the characters. Thats a hallmark of the Marvel world isn't it? Seeing the characters as people dealing.with life they never expected to have to and not always winning. Ignore all these social media fan-nerds boys whining and make your own mind up!
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