Comparisons to Ed Wood Are Unfair - To Ed Wood
20 February 2024
The Green Bay Packers, a candy company, Harry Houdini, an old theater, some old forts, lots of costumes, horses and a woman with cosmic bazooka all come together to tell the story of... WHAT?

Having seen it twice now I'd like to know.

Scenes supposedly of historical places with modern buildings in the background shameless name dropping, meaningless dialogue and wooden acting move an undecipherable plot nowhere. (risk of spoilers is zero_

One might draw comparisons to Ed Wood but he at least he had Bella Lugosi and some perhaps unintended camp.

Intended to be some kind of time travel horror story the real horror is how so many people and local entities were enlisted to enable such a dreadfully incomprehensible patchwork of nonsense. One might think of Max Bialystock of The Producers assembling a show in all the wrong ways only no one would mistake this for a comedy. Maybe if it involved Hitler in some way. Hitler in Green Bay! Now there's a story line!
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