La triche (1984)
a cop. his affaire
20 February 2024
Admiring the performance of Victor Lenoux, the fine job , with his double role of Michel Galabru, the not comfortable, for 1980 s French cinema subject, well used, it is difficult to not like this film.

The subject seems, today, dusty- a policeman in love with young gay musician in period of solve a murder case. The final is forced , romantic and pure unrealistic and the discover of killer of Morane fake at whole. A nice contribution-Roland Blanche in role of Garcia, tricky collaborater of Police,.

The atmosphere, the fair option for Xavier Deluc for the role of Mirande , the melancholic air and the reactions of relatives about sentimental affaire of Verta are nice good points of film.

But, I repeat, the end , sure, in period style, ruins a part of good impressions.
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