The Way (II) (2024)
Well written and pointed
21 February 2024
I think perhaps people are hating on this show because they don't "get it".

It reminded me a little bit of "then you run" which also got bad reviews because viewers seemed to be expecting something realistic and sensical.

This show similarly is at times, dramatic and nonsensical in an almost comedic way. However, you wouldn't have to look far abroad from Wales to see places where simar circumstances to this premise have played out.

My point is - viewers in the UK who leave negative reviews believe so strongly they are safe from this type of upheaval or civil war that they are calling it dystopian.

Meanwhile, the Met has been using facial recognition on live security feeds in Greater London since 2020, have trialed and may continue to use Clearview AI (an extremely flawed AI policing system) and overseeing all online traffic through GCHQ.

Dystopian? I don't think so.

Writing is fantastic, especially in late episodes 2 and 3. I recommend a watch to anyone that enjoys analogous and meta-level dark comedy.
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