Amazing CGI and Effects, Bad acting and Script
23 February 2024
I really loved the animated Series of Avatar, watched it so many times.

Good things : Although this season is much better than last flop movie but they missed so many things. CGI is much better, effects and fights are really good. Bending effects couldnt be better .

Bad things : The fun of characters was nowhere to be seen. Sokka was suppose to be a funny guy but they made him look so angry all the time. Same goes for bhoomi and Iroh.

Story has been changed much enough that for person who never watched it wouldnt understand all of it.

Dialogues and script is so cringe at some places. Specially dialogues of kitara and sokka. Unnecessarily trying to fit the dialogues of animated series without setting up the whole script .

So its 6/10 for me.
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