Bleak and dark tale of violence and innocence...
20 April 2024
Beware, this movie starts out quite slow and uneventful, but it ends in a complete bloodbath of violence. And actor Stephen Dorff (the reason I chose to watch this movie) has only got a tiny supporting role of about 3 minutes, but nevermind that, because ALL the other actors involved delivered rock solid performances! I was really impressed!

Beware (a second time) that this is NOT a glorious, funny gangster movie, this is as bleak, true to life and depressing as it gets! But it definitely is one of the better crime dramas I have seen the last couple of months. Memories of The Coen Brothers come to mind...and that is about the highest compliment I can give!

The good: this movie has got a dark cloud of doom hanging over it, envisioned by the bleak photography and underscored with dark and twisted music. From the start till the very last breath, this movie oozes slowburning despair, hidden evil and violent chaos, but somehow this movie is about innocence as well...somehow this movie succeeds in letting evil turn into something good and wholesome...

The story: a desperate salesman, in financial dire straits, who cant support his family and his sick son, takes on a job with the mob. He "only" has to drive a bag of drugs towards a delivery point and collect the money for it. All things spiral out of control in a vicseral vicious and violent way I havent seen come along in a while.

Wow, terrific direction, solid acting performances, vicious storyline, what a great movie! I dont dare reommend this sort of hardhitting movie to my friends or family, but only to those who can stumach a slowburning ACTOR's movie, which is as bleak, violent, depressing and dark as it can get...
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