This 2024 film "Dancing Village: The Curse Begins (Badarawuhi di Desa Penari)" directed by Kimo Stamboel explores Indonesian supernatural beliefs. It's a slow burn but really tries to implode human emotions through despair and dancing.
It's story originality based on dance traditions with life/death deities and sorcery. The actors really deliver strong performances of young people trying to rationalize logic to what is a curse. It follows a 2022 KKN di Desa Penari" film, some similar ideas sourced in folklore.
The story focuses on two young women (Rathil and Mila) with mothers in terrible state of physical and mental illness. They aren't understanding what's happening, they dealing with the supernatural, things can't be undone.
The film enters through their struggling between earthy and spiritual realms. A realm controlled by a supernatural tormenter and soul taker: Badarawuhi which played beautifully by Aulia Sarah.
In some ways, it reminds one of the 1977 (and 2018 remake) film Suspiria. Modern ballet ancing on those films play with witchcraft and self-destruction, centered on women.
In this case solely based on Indonesian folk dancing, it's surreal scenes are of interest. There's no excessive gore scenes nor jump scares but still deliver a creepy vibe.
The scenes of dancing and sorcery are done well, as the beautiful dance moves become acts of evil. Again, it's slow but delivers toward the story ending. It also marks that Indonesian horror genre can be smart and elusive.
Past 80s/90s Indonesian horror unfortunately has been seen as campy, championed by a mostly cult film audiences. Although the recent reboot of "VHS" found footage enlisted Indonesian director and actors within the horror genre.
This particular film will definitely challenges old tropes on South Asian horror genre. Film's cinematography is excellent and inviting. Mostly set in rural landscapes and sound effects are superb.
It's story originality based on dance traditions with life/death deities and sorcery. The actors really deliver strong performances of young people trying to rationalize logic to what is a curse. It follows a 2022 KKN di Desa Penari" film, some similar ideas sourced in folklore.
The story focuses on two young women (Rathil and Mila) with mothers in terrible state of physical and mental illness. They aren't understanding what's happening, they dealing with the supernatural, things can't be undone.
The film enters through their struggling between earthy and spiritual realms. A realm controlled by a supernatural tormenter and soul taker: Badarawuhi which played beautifully by Aulia Sarah.
In some ways, it reminds one of the 1977 (and 2018 remake) film Suspiria. Modern ballet ancing on those films play with witchcraft and self-destruction, centered on women.
In this case solely based on Indonesian folk dancing, it's surreal scenes are of interest. There's no excessive gore scenes nor jump scares but still deliver a creepy vibe.
The scenes of dancing and sorcery are done well, as the beautiful dance moves become acts of evil. Again, it's slow but delivers toward the story ending. It also marks that Indonesian horror genre can be smart and elusive.
Past 80s/90s Indonesian horror unfortunately has been seen as campy, championed by a mostly cult film audiences. Although the recent reboot of "VHS" found footage enlisted Indonesian director and actors within the horror genre.
This particular film will definitely challenges old tropes on South Asian horror genre. Film's cinematography is excellent and inviting. Mostly set in rural landscapes and sound effects are superb.