This film slaughters!
3 May 2024
As a kid from Delaware I often went to the beaches when I was younger. I would always see road signs for Slaughter Beach and then my imagination would run wild. Did people get slaughtered there? What would the killer look like? How many people died? This film took that thought process and ran with it! Admittedly I mostly came to see my buddy's death scene but by the time I made it far enough I was HOOKED. The creators took an obscure theme (why is the place called Slaughter Beach?) and delivered a fictional answer in the best format imaginable. Following the guidelines of classic slasher films they delivered a well written story with just the right amount of intentionally cheesy one liners, an appropriately excessive body count to live up to the name and gore effects that increase the production value. The two lead actors delivered a solid performance and Jim Cannatelli steals the show with a brilliant performance as your typical 80s slasher antagonist type. Any fans of classic slashers with a comedy twist, this is a must see! Congratulations to the director and all involved with this project, they absolutely killed it!
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