Okay they tell us that Lauren Reynolds is swearing off dating after breaking up with her drug addict boyfriend, yet after meeting this sleazebag (Brandon) and yes his character oozed of sleaze from the moment he showed up at the party yet we're supposed to believe that she would passionately kiss him after just meeting a few mines ago???
Forced/Fake and thoroughly unbelievable are what came to mind and when I stopped watching this train wreck in progress.
This goes beyond just a dull romance and into the realm of ludicrous fiascos are us. From piss poor script writing to wooden actors, this bomb had them all. Do yourself a favor and pass on this one.
Forced/Fake and thoroughly unbelievable are what came to mind and when I stopped watching this train wreck in progress.
This goes beyond just a dull romance and into the realm of ludicrous fiascos are us. From piss poor script writing to wooden actors, this bomb had them all. Do yourself a favor and pass on this one.