Although Hillary Brooke shares top billing with Cesar Romero - and would have provided him with a robust travelling companion - she's actually there just to provide Romero with a quick squeeze before the main action actually starts.
Unfortunately it then takes half the film's running time for the expedition even to arrive at the promised lost continent; at which point at least a little visual interest is provided when the picture suddenly turns green - a phenomenon accounted for by one of the expedition members as maybe "Somebody got lonesome for some soft light and put a green bulb in the socket!"
'Samuel' Newfeld's direction is competent with a nice use of lateral tracks, and the production design is satisfactory in a 'Star Trek' kind of way. Although we only ever see one brontosaurus footprint the characters always refer to "them", just as we never see more than more than one brontosaurus itself, and always at a distance. The kids might find the two battling ceratopsians kinda cute since they resemble two puppies fooling around; but when one of the expedition spies a pterodactyl and his immediate response is "I wonder if a piece of that big buzzard would make good eatin'" he plainly gets what he deserves.
Unfortunately it then takes half the film's running time for the expedition even to arrive at the promised lost continent; at which point at least a little visual interest is provided when the picture suddenly turns green - a phenomenon accounted for by one of the expedition members as maybe "Somebody got lonesome for some soft light and put a green bulb in the socket!"
'Samuel' Newfeld's direction is competent with a nice use of lateral tracks, and the production design is satisfactory in a 'Star Trek' kind of way. Although we only ever see one brontosaurus footprint the characters always refer to "them", just as we never see more than more than one brontosaurus itself, and always at a distance. The kids might find the two battling ceratopsians kinda cute since they resemble two puppies fooling around; but when one of the expedition spies a pterodactyl and his immediate response is "I wonder if a piece of that big buzzard would make good eatin'" he plainly gets what he deserves.