Suck and Moan (2010– )
Hipster vampires wax philosophical and stomp zombies into compost
2 April 2024
As a viral zombie contagion commences, one of the infected is bitten by an unsuspecting vampire. With the effects of the virus on nosferatu being as yet undetermined, his circle of vampire friends place him under guarded quarantine. As the outbreak proliferates, the vamps realize that ravenous zombies are depleting their food supply, and that they'll need to eradicate the emerging competition quickly.

As I type this, thirteen years have passed since this awesome little internet series came and went with nary a trumpet call. How and why it flew under everyone's radar is mystifying...the writing was fantastic, and the characters were colorful and expertly vivified. A tantalizing handful of five minute chapters were produced, presumably on a piggy-bank budget, and then it just...stopped. Several key matters were left unresolved, which was a big disappointment for anyone fortunate enough to have merged with this underappreciated and surprisingly polished backyard project.

I was sad to learn that Eric Hailey, who portrayed the zombified vampire character central to the story, has since passed on...he had a very likable comedic presence, bless his soul.

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