The Valley (2024– )
But why lol?
4 April 2024
I was so excited to see this and then when I finally watched the trailer I feel like I just wasted minutes of my life. You literally picked the bottom of the barrel people with the exception of Kristen and some randoms. And you picked to put someone on and put their best friend to be "the mediator" of the group. He isn't involved with them. He clearly likes men and isn't in the "Valley" Vanderpump genre as he wasn't a cast member or couple in ANY season. As someone who was like YES more Vanderpump, it's a doozy. And as for Brittany to be your image of the show, (as it seems) uh CRINGE. She is the epitome of someone who needs to love themselves. Jax cheated on national television and she thinks she is this hot stuff. You were cheated on. That doesn't make a relationship stronger. I won't be watching any longer, these "characters" don't need a platform any longer.
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