Like Amadeus, Immortal Beloved, Beethoven's Copyist, Farinelli and so many others, this is a "Hollywood" version of Paganini's life that is filled with lies, fabrications, rumors and nonsense in order to make the film more palatable for the movie goer expecting violence, sex, nudity and no hint of morality or reality. Every great composer's/musical virtuoso's life would make a great movie with no need of elaboration.
As usual, we find love themes that are fabricated and an association with the devil which is perpetuating rumors that probably Paganini himself promoted to help his popularity. Great sets and costumes, along with music, usually support the film, but the acting, dialogue and plots are almost always insipid. In reality, Watson, Paganini's manager in London tried to use his daughter to ensnare Paganini for financial gain, but as usual, this flick makes this the central, corny love story.
As I have said, a lovely soundtrack, but otherwise another offering in a long line of "Hollywood" failures at portraying the musical geniuses of history.
As usual, we find love themes that are fabricated and an association with the devil which is perpetuating rumors that probably Paganini himself promoted to help his popularity. Great sets and costumes, along with music, usually support the film, but the acting, dialogue and plots are almost always insipid. In reality, Watson, Paganini's manager in London tried to use his daughter to ensnare Paganini for financial gain, but as usual, this flick makes this the central, corny love story.
As I have said, a lovely soundtrack, but otherwise another offering in a long line of "Hollywood" failures at portraying the musical geniuses of history.