Le ore nude (1964)
9 April 2024
The most practical way to write a review is to write it right when you see the movie. At least for someone like me, who used to watch 5-6 movies a day. When you have something to write, you stop the movie and write. Let's see if I can find something good to write before I finish watching this movie. For the time being, after the first quarter of an hour, nothing happened, Riz Ortolani's music is totally inappropriate to what is seen on the screen, and the much adored Rossana Podestà is not at all an extraordinary beauty, with a bowl cut hair, as in other films in which I saw her, she's really ridiculous, ok, it was a fashion in the 60s. But she doesn't excel as an actress either. At the end of the first part, not much happened, except that the character played by Rossana already cheated on her husband played by Philippe Leroy, with the character played by Keir Dullea, an annoying character. Good things: it's interesting to alternate the scenes with Leroy with those with Dullea and the town where Dullea takes Rossana is beautiful, picturesque. The last half hour and the desire for the film to end as soon as possible is getting stronger. Those who are not obsessed with the movie like me, will not resist to see it in whole. The title is very appropriate because almost nothing happens.
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