Yanusu no kagami (1985–1986)
Sukeban series meets soap opera
10 April 2024
This is more or less what this series accounts, meaning a typical 80's Sukeban series in vein of Sukeban Deka and the Likes just with a stronger focus on the soap opera element than in other cases. And it's not bad at all,all the contrary it's pretty entertaining through and through even if the gimmick of this series (meaning the fact that people can't distinguish between the protagonist and her Sukeban Alter Ego) in some episodes gets a bit muddled and ridicolous. But I guess it's to be expected since none of these Sukeban Series, for how entertaining they might be, are no masterpieces to begin with. If you're interested in giving a try, as with the previous Sukeban series I've reviewed go to Geo9875 dreamwith blog and download the fansub of this.
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