Love, Fall & Order (2019 TV Movie)
Sugar rush
10 April 2024
2nd year law student here. Watched the movie instead of studying for finals next week.

Not proud of that .. Lol

Minus 1 star for lack of storyline Minus 1 star for No character development Minus 1 star for A 2 minute court room scene (totally anti climatic) - the poor Judge :/

Plus 100 stars for Trevor Donovan! He is so hot, and he looked so familiar (90210 & some other movie or Tv Show which I can't place him in).

Total chick flick, and total holiday movie but still .. this movie totally does nothing to stimulate women's intelligence. A feminist would not like this movie, for sure.

Finally, the most compelling argument I can make to watch this is .. Trevor Donovan! :)
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