I have been watching this show lately because it's on my regular TV at 11:00 a.m. As I watch it I realized this judge really does not know what she's doing sometimes. There is proof and witness right in the room on this case for the plaintiff's bike in the defendant has no proof or evidence and she went with the defendant. I don't understand some of her ruling she is not fair sometimes I don't agree with a lot of her rulings or how she thinks compared to other judge shows that I love this one is by far the worst. Just want to yell into the TV so she can hear me and tell her she's wrong LOL....and now reading everyone else's reviews I have to totally agree with everyone of them. The judge is very smart and sees things a lot differently which we all do in this life. But I am glad I am not the only one who thinks her rulings sometimes are outrageous and just not common sense or looked at how they should be and this is why we have jury's because one's personal opinions can way a case and ruin someone's life quickly and it's not true justice then when the evidence or witness are appearing and the case isn't seen all the way through...