Bug(ging you?)
24 June 2024
No pun intended - this is not classical German cinema ... this is not a movie that you can hold up to high standards ... this however is a movie that will or rather might work for (young) kids! Taking the Herbie formula (which funnily enough like the Chucky franchise, did not start off calling itself Herbie, but rather Love Bug - kinda lovely I reckon) and mixing it with a bit of Bud Spencer and Terence Hill movies.

No real danger - from criminals that are so low IQ, you wonder how they are even able to exist. But they are here to make the kids laugh ... and maybe you if you have fond memories of watching this when you were little. Very silly to say the least, but I know the humor worked for me as kid.

Again suspend your disbelief, go on a ride with Dudu, who had quite a few upgrades (I wonder if James Bonds Q had any influence here) ... and you get quite the mixture of so many movies, it is hard to tell them all apart. Add a really good actor (Fuchsberger) and a hot blonde (for the "older" male audience) ... and you have a winning formula ... well at least not a losing one.

This is the second of the series and probably the best - at least it feels like it to me - but suspension of disbelief is quite necessary ...
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