Something's Brewing (2023 TV Movie)
Unacceptable mature woman behaviour
24 June 2024
Comments R What a terrible story especially if young impressionable teenagers are watching. Jamie is not at all what a mature woman should be set as an example. Spying and David making it sound it was perfectly acceptable!!

Not only did she follow him from his work to the playground and admits it but she has her best friend get his private information and follow him again OMG EVERY THING ABOUT THIS IS SO WRONG !! NARCISSISM AT ITS BEST NO. Whoever came up with this story should be fired. David in my eyes is a total looser accepting all this. What ? Her best friend giving the definition of ghosting and not narcissism???? Everything about this story is so embarrassingly predictable if I were these actors I would never have accepted to do the job. No stars for this movie.
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