I forgot just how truly awful this show was, and by awful I mean hilarious. All of the characters are terrible, despicable people and just sooo friggin funny. Pretty sure Elliot is my favorite. Jon Early steals the show every time he opens his mouth. I've seen him in other things he's he's usual gives a solid entertaining performance but this role has to have been written for him bc he's so funny in it and he manages to squeeze every bit of juice out of the orange that is his part. Like I said before every time he opens his mouth it's pretty hilarious... come to think of it even when he's no talking, he still manages to significantly entertain with his gestures and facial expressions. But I got off my main subject here which was Louie Anderson. When he's cross examining in the court room and gets the Greek guy's name wrong every time he says it, I have laughed pretty hard throughout watching and re-watching this entire series but Louie doing his thing made me remember just how funny of a comic Louis Anderson was/is. The reason I got off topic and started talking about Elliot was because throughout the series, he steals the show, but in this particular episode, Louie Anderson, messing up that Greek guys name and just his overall performance, I felt he stole the show this episode.