Review of Reunion

Reunion (II) (2024)
Good enough. Bad thing the movie got leaked on 23rd May
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was supposed to be released on 28th June. Idk what happened, whether it was leaked or whatever the reason was, it's now out on 23rd May.

The movie is not that good. I knew half of the cast so I enjoyed what they were doing and what was happening. But I didn't have as much fun as I hoped I'd. Still watchable if you're a fan of more than 1 of the cast members. Things make sense in the end. But it's another one of those movies where every little thing that happens, happens due to a reason. Don't read below because I'm giving a major spoiler. Read it if you don't want to watch the movie.

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Spoiler : The killer is...or I should say the KILLERS are Matthew's wife & the policeman Evan. They were having an affair. So that's it folks. They chose the event of Reunion because they knew the people who'll come will have a past with Matthew and so many of them could be blamed for the murder.
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